Sentimental dari malam semalam sehingga tengahari tadi.
Tiap tahun saya selalu akan confuse whether it is on January or February? Tahun ni pun dalam hari-hari itu, I was fighting for life. AB, seriously you owe Umi & Papa. Sampai sakit Ummi jadinya tau, stress sbb kamu.
Last nite wasap :
U : Pa, kita lupa anvsry kita tahun ni
U : Mcm ingat 27. Tapi confuse Jan ke Feb
U : Yg ingat 27/01 tu si Firas nye besday...
P : Pa buat2 lupa pasal ayang tak sihat
P : Your life is more important for me... (it is just a date...)
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Please la RAN... from this year onward, remember it is January! |
Ya lah... faham. I could never blame him. Papa is getting busier. He has new career life since he left his comfortable job few years ago yg dia dah joint since he was young. Office politics yang always see the fake shine-brights, heh.
Tambah busy bila adakalanya saya tak sihat and he has to take over many of my routines. Kasihan Papa... yet he still remembered.
Tq dear... kerana took care urusan sekolah anak-anak & some house chores bila saya sakit during that days. Non-stopped awak uruskan kami. Tanpa sedar, itulah hadiah & ingatan anvrsy dari awak. Saya... belum beri awak apa-apa kot kan...?
Sebelum Papa berangkat ke airport tengah hari tadi, waktu meneman dia sudahkan kerja2 koperasinya, saya kata sambil peluk bahunya:
"Sian Papa busy... so many things to attend. Papa happy ke macam ni? Tak penat?"
And he said softly, "Nak buat macamana Yang... Pa keje... sorry ya, Pa tak dapat teman & tolong ayang selalu-selalu..."
"Umi faham. I just hope Pa happy... at least now you can flexibly do what you loves to do in one time and at any time. You meet many people, make friends, opportunities all over you. And you go to many places... kan Pa...?
Ya, honestly I hope he is happy & satisfied. He is doing what he loves now. He has his own time at his own convenience and fly here & there. Growing bigger in life experience ya dear. Tak lah terkongkong dgn waktu pejabat, full day operational n admin works & mcm tak boleh nak berkembang. Hu hu...
And I hope ia antara cita-cita saya untuk awak, yg telah dimanifestasikan, sedang atau akan dimanifestasikan.
Ya, ia CITA-CITA. Bukan JANJI. Please get the defination correctly. Kalau janji pun, saya sertakan ia dgn kalimah Insya-Allah. So those bad mouths yg out loud mengungkit 'mana janji-janji' saya di belakang saya (I heard & I knew it, dgn izin Allah), kalau tak reconcile di dunia, I'll see you guys there, di sana ya. Sehingga saat ini saya masih berdoa Allah beri taufiq & hidayah utk saya memaafkan sebelum saya menutup mata walau kalian tak meminta maaf pun.
Erk! Awat la RAN... takkan la hang nak amek hati dgn orang2 yang sel-sel otak mereka tak berhubung tu...? Hish! It's your anvsry few days ago anyway.
Alhamdulillah, masih bertahan seadanya dgn izin Allah. So why bother with them barking & scratching? Ajal, maut, pertemuan, perpisahan ketentuan Tuhan. Hati manusia pun milik Tuhan. Maka biarlah DIA yg menulis jurnal takdir itu.
Kita? Kita kayuh je la pelan-pelan. Pelan-pelan pun penat pe... pakai enjin turbo je lah, tak boleh ke?
My dear other half,
It is said that 'no relationship is all sunshine,
but if two people can share an umbrella,
they will INSYAALLAH survive the storm together'.
Hopefully we are that two people,
Semoga jodoh ini diizin Allah berkekalan hingga syurga.
Selamat ulang tahun ke-9 on last Jan 27th ye...
sorry ye, it's belated hu hu...
A walk to remember:
Okay, tutup cerita Januari 2015.
Dah sebulan dah tahun ni kan...