Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Capetown 422 : Release d'heaviness...

Nothing is or was wrong with us. We love each other for who we exactly are. Yet, life is just like the waves in the sea.

We need time. We need oxygen. We need to release this heaviness from our chest. We need to discuss & think, very-very deep. Far from our current surrounding...

Capetown 422. We weren't in exact Capetown... belum ada bajet nak travel jauh2 pun buat masa ini. It was just a room. Water Chalet in Avillion, PD. A very spontaneous decision made right after Pa balik dari solat Jumaat yg lepas...

Our clasic Water Chalet of Capetown 422
Sea view from our chalet. Air belum nak pasang waktu ini.
View at mid-nite. Awat air lambat naik? Pun our Capetown 422 letaknya agak ke belakang.
Kalau dapat duduk di chalet hujung mengadap laut tu mesti best agaknya.
Tapi ngeri juga... what if.. er... tsunami tetiba dtg? erk...

I admire the bathroom.
Showering ourselves under the sun @ moon @ stars

The past 48 critical hours did change our life whether we like it or not. But life must goes on... at least one question answered & I was so grateful to Allah for showing us that. What ever happens, I always knew Allah loves me. Dia lebih mengetahui di mana utk letak break pd sesuatu fasa dlm kehidupan saya walaupun break itu kadang terasa sgt drastik.

At least we've been here. Last time when we were at Avillion Admiral Cove, Pa wished that we could be able to make it here in Avillion one day since he thought he could fishing while resting. 

Well... I think I love Avillion Admiral Cove better than here.

Yet Avillion pun ada keistimewaannya. It has various type of accomodation ikut preference individu. Nak duduk jejauh dari bising2 blh je ke sini. Lagipun PD tak jauh mana. Pun tak lah costly sgt. Affordable & naturally interesting

Ada poem tentang tempat ini & diabadikan kat batu cantik di Nature's Walk... hu hu... comey...

Err... hari ni saya dah pandai satu lagi ttg blog. Pa ajar cam mana nak letak signature blog name kat pictures smlm hu hu...

Walk to remember :
Malam ini Pa dgn sepupu2nya ke Sg Samak Perak, menziarahi jenazah Mbah Som (saudara belah Mak Enon)... hmm... saya kurang pasti saya ingat siapa Mbah ini... semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat.


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