Saturday, November 1, 2014

Air Kelapa Muda

Kami sekeluarga share interest minum air kelapa ni. In fact saya rasa macam tak ada orang yang distaste rasa segar air kelapa. Ke ada?

Gambar lama... masih nampak 'kekecilan' Didik. Sekarang Papa asyik cakap, "Mi, dah besar dah Didik...". Hish... touching betullah...

Air kelapa muda ... is naturally:

Low in carbs, 99% fat free, lo in sugars n contains organic compounds possessing healthy growth promoting properties that have been known to help:

Keep the body cool and at the proper temperature
Orally re-hydrate your body, it is an all natural isotonic beverage
Carry nutrients and oxygen to cells
Naturally replenish your body's fluids after exercising
Raise your metabolism
Promote weight loss
Boost your immune system
Detoxify and fight viruses
Cleanse your digestive tract
Control diabetes
Aid your body in fighting viruses that cause the flu, herpes n AIDS
Balance your PH and reduce risk of cancer
Treat kidney and urethral stones
Boost poor circulation

(en. google)


  1. dpt minum dr buah kelapa tu..mmg nikmat dr minum kt gelas. raya puasa baru puas hati dapat minum air kelapa, kenduri buah kelapa kitaorg..hehe.

    1. mmg ye... kalau cuaca panas, lagilah nikmat minum air kepala... hu hu

  2. assalaumualaikum..
    gigih si kecik cungkil isi kelapa.

    ank saya umar pun dah nak masuk3 tahun bulan 12 ni.. abahnya dah cakap..besar dah abang umar ni kan.. tahun depan dah 4 tahun, .....hahahhaha..ayat penuh makna..selamat berkenalan ye

    1. waalaikumsalam pn shafida,
      tq for dropping by... salam perkenalan...
      suami puan mgkn maksud nak tambah anak ye..? hu hu
      rasanya suami saya pulak maksudnya nak bagi tau kami ni dah makin tua hu hu...


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